Friday, August 10, 2012

Sink or Swim

Paige runs a tight ship when it comes to swimming lessons.  She has been teaching swimming lessons all summer to the neighborhood kids with great success.  These are no "dip your toe in the water" swim lessons.  Parents who can not handle the "save yourself" style of teaching are welcome to observe from inside the house or better yet, not stay for the lesson.  Paige honestly can get kids who are screaming and clawing at her the first couple lessons to be completely comfortable in the water and able to get to their backs when they enter the water at the end of a two week course.  Those in attendance whether it is the swimmer or a spectator will experience a range of emotions anywhere from heartbreak and anger to relief and a sense of success.  All the while, Paige never gives in while holding steady to her purpose and reinforces her tough love with words of encouragement throughout and hugs and high fives at the end of lessons.   
We went to Inkom for family reunions so Alex got his chance at swim lessons.  It was great.    

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