Last Thursday night I told Alex that it was his last night with a passey. He pretty much was down to just using it to sleep and occasionally in the car but I was tired of packing it around and making sure he had one. It was time. On Friday, March 9th Alex woke up and I told him it was time to destroy the passey. Alex has a love for scissors so I thought snipping it would be an appropriate way for Alex to get rid of the passey. He went upstairs, got out a pair of scissors and carefully snipped the passey and put both pieces in the garbage. (Note: Alex has about 10 passeys strategically placed throughout the house, car, and my purse, but we only destroyed 1, the rest have gone into hiding. I think you could safely say that Alex and I had a strong addiction to the passey.) I really thought we would have a rough go of it for the next few days after we got rid of them but he only has asked for one a couple times and with a slight reminder that we are all done with passeys he goes to bed without complaint.

This is one of my all time favorite passey pics that my friend took of Alex clear back in the fall of 2010. The passey has been a very loyal companion and has had a long life with Alex. Type "passey" in the search box at the top left of our blog to see previous passey stories and pictures. They won't disappoint